1.Don't mess with people - don't post a video and make it's title what it is not (Ex.you post a video titled golf, and it was about flying a plane, Rickroll'd, scary picture Etc.).
2.Don't "Hate" - don't go on somebody else's video that is similar to yours and do things that wouldn't be approved of(Dislike, Bad comments, post the link to your video Etc.).
3.Don't fall for "Haters" - Don't feel bad about people that are making fun of you because of your video(seriously)
4.Post helpful videos - Post video that can help people in certain ways(Fix, install, make Etc.).
5.Post interesting videos - Post videos about things that are common interests(Sports, Video games Etc.).
6.Make a Vlog - Make recordings of yourself talking about things going on(Videos, News Etc.).
7.Make a Musical account - Make an account that contains music(Lyrics, Parodies Etc,)
8.Make Parody videos - Make a video about that is about music, but you make your own version of that(Parody? Click
Here or
Here )
Well that's all i can think of right now, i will probably add more later, but i made this in about 10 minutes so.....